When it comes to finances, relationships can go through a lot of challenges. This fact is true especially when one partner earns more than the other. When there is an understanding between partners about boundaries and financial plans, a lot of arguments can be avoided. Clear communications and goal planning can also help. However, the internet is filled with stories of couples who end up facing problems anyway, and one woman turned to Reddit for advice about her situation.
The original poster (OP) asked the users of the popular social media platform if her decision to leave her boyfriend’s name out of the contract for a home she bought was the right thing to do. Her post from December 2021 got a lot of attention, and most people were on her side as she described her situation.
She wrote in her post that she earns quite well and that she has been with her boyfriend for four years in total. Her boyfriend, on the other hand, was not ambitious and did not earn on the same level as her because he kept opting for minimum wage jobs that he would change frequently.
The OP’s main concern was that putting her boyfriend’s name on the home’s contract would lead to complications in the future as he was not as financially successful as she was. Moreover, the OP paid for everything, and her boyfriend did not contribute. Though these were valid reasons, her boyfriend ended up becoming furious that he would not be included in the contract and stopped speaking to the OP.
In her post, the OP wrote, “I (22F) and my bf (25M) have been together for about 4 years. We started living together 2 years ago in an apartment and it’s been great!” She also added information about their financial statuses, “I recently got a new job and make around $80k a year and have been wanting to get out of our apartment and into a house. My bf on the other hand doesn’t have a very good work ethic and has had about 8 different jobs in the 4 years we have been together, all making minimum wage.”