This woman chose to offer a pretzel and a coffee to a homeless man

Certainly, no one wants to be a beggar, living off what others give them. It’s a difficult life that would be hard for anyone to endure. Most people have a negative attitude towards beggars, often ignoring or even mocking them.

However, Casey Fischer chose to help. One day, she met a beggar who had only managed to get one dollar from people. Casey called him over, bought him coffee and a pretzel, and they talked. The man, named Chris, shared that his mother died of cancer, and he ended up on the streets due to drugs. He expressed his desire to get back on the right path and be the son his mother wanted.

Before parting, Chris asked Casey for a piece of paper and a pen. He quickly wrote a note and handed it to her. Later, Casey read the note which said, “Thank you, lovely soul!”

Casey shared this story on social media, expressing her admiration for Chris’s efforts to overcome his challenges. Her post went viral, touching many who appreciated Chris’s determination to improve his life despite his current situation.

She wrote that Chris is a wonderful man trying to overcome his illness and become a better person, but it is difficult because people often disregard him.

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