Mom shares touching story of raising a daughter with Treacher Collins Syndrome

When Bella arrived a few weeks early on October 25, 2018, Eliza Bahneman and her husband’s lives took an unexpected turn. Despite the initial surprise, Bella’s arrival brought profound challenges and blessings.

Eliza recounts the journey, sharing the excitement and anxiety of her pregnancy. Despite being considered high risk due to a heart-shaped uterus, all prenatal tests returned normal results.

However, Bella’s birth didn’t go as planned. Rushed to the hospital with her bag half-packed, Eliza faced a complicated labor. Bella arrived, but the joy was overshadowed by confusion and concern as medical specialists crowded the room.

Bella’s medical journey began in earnest when she was transferred to Children’s Benioff Hospital in Oakland. Diagnosed with Treacher Collins syndrome, she underwent numerous surgeries and treatments.

Despite the challenges, Eliza finds solace in the support of family, friends, and medical professionals. Bella’s progress is remarkable, undergoing therapy and activities tailored to her needs.

Reflecting on their journey, Eliza acknowledges life’s unpredictability and the importance of adapting to new normals. Despite the hardships, Bella’s journey has taught her invaluable lessons about resilience and gratitude.

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