The jealous husband hired a detective – and couldn’t believe what he discovered
A jealous husband hired a private detective to check on the movements of his wife. The husband wanted more than a written report; he wanted video of…

Story ‣ The Two Jewels
A deeply religious Rabbi lived happily with his family, an admirable woman and two dear sons. One time, he had to be away from home for several…

Man Whσ Rescued Twσ Liσn Cubs Seven Years Agσ Returns And Meets Them Face Tσ Face
There is nσthing strσnger than the bσnd between yσu and yσur animal, esρecially when yσu helρed raise them. Peσρle dedicate their whσle lives tσ saving animals, just…

Two Guys Interrupt Young Kid On Piano To Request That He Play Bohemian Rhapsody
In London’s St. Pancras International Station, where thousands of travelers pass through each day, a lone piano sits in a heavily populated part of the station. Anyone…

90 years old Granny Takes to the Dance Floor, Then the Music Starts and She Decides to Respond
As we get older, we generally get a little less able in the physical department. But that can’t be said for this 90-year-old lady, who moves better…

Kelly Clarkson has said that she sees “nothing wrong” with spanking her children as a method of exercising parental authority…
Kelly Clarkson originally became well-known to the general public in 2002 when she triumphed on the popular singing competition series “American Idol.” She has even hosted her…

12-year-old boy comes to the rescue of a baby trapped in a hot car when the windshield breaks
A 12-year-old Oklahoma boy heard the toddler’s screams coming from a hot car, he immediately smashed the windshield, desperate to save the crying child. A 12-year-old boy…

Kelsey Grammer Refuses to Apologize for His Faith: ‘Jesus Made a Difference’
Actor Kelsey Grammer is more than someone who portrays a man of faith in the new movie Jesus Revolution. He said he also walks the walk —…

Actor Henry Winkler Stepped Up To Care For His Mom In Her Final Years Despite Tough Childhood
Actor Henry Winkler stepped up to care for his mom in her final years despite his tough childhood. Henry, whom we love for his roles like Arthur…

This Woman Was About To Refuse Her Maid A Raise, But Then She Said This. The maid asked for a raise, and the wife was upset. She…