Wife wants to drive New Car

Wife wants to drive New Car. A husband, the owner of a new car, was somewhat reluctant to allow his wife to drive his prize possession even…

Agnes married and had 13 children

Agnes married and had 13 children. When her husband died, she married again and had 7 more children. Again, her husband died. So Agnes remarried and this…

A young man met a beautiful girl

A young man met a beautiful girl and agreed to spend the night with her for $500. So they did. Before he left, he told her that…

He notices a gorgeous woman sitting at a table nearby all alone

A man enters his favorite ritzy restaurant, and while sitting at his regular table he notices a gorgeous woman sitting at a table nearby all alone. He…

A man and his wife go to their honeymoon

A man and his wife go to their honeymoon for their 25th anniversary. As the couple reflected on that magical evening 25 years ago, the wife asked…

A man goes into his favorite bar and sees a jar of money on the counter with the word “win” printed on it

What’s this about?” he asks the bartender. “That’s our monthly contest. You put in a $20 entry fee and then perform the three acts. If you complete…

A boy is about to go on his first date

He asks his father for advice. The father replies: “My son, there are three subjects that always work. These are food, family, and philosophy.” The boy picks…

One day a big sweaty woman walks into bar

One day this big, nasty, sweaty woman wearing a raggedy sleeveless sundress walks into a bar. She raises her right arm, revealing a big hairy armpit as…

A man is driving with his wife

A man is driving with his wife at his side and his mother-in-law in the backseat. The women just won’t leave him alone. His mother-in-law says, “You’re…

A mail from neighbor

A man walks into his office box on a Monday morning. He checks his e-mails and sees one from his neighbor. it reads, “Do you have any…